Thursday, July 24, 2008

Am I worth 500 $ !!!!!!

My insurance is exp. on August 1st. And its cost a whooping 500 $. And in times when you are living on a shoe string budget then even 500 $ look like $ 5 mil.

I was going though my finances today and thought am i worth 500 $. The answer ... " NO " !!!.
I cost a lot less that $ 500. :P

Believe me its very hard ... to give away those 500 $ every 6 months. Seriously .. i can do 4 10000 ft jumps, or go on a road trip after renting a car for say a week, or i can buy a Pool table.
I can think of a thousand things worth doing with that amount of 500.

But why that insurance !!!!!..

And whats with this university, why cant i enroll for classes without the insurance. That's simply my problem, my life .... i'll deal with my health and life problems, why is the university so worried.

Its not that i am after money ... or i would die for it ( money is one of the last things in my lists of priorities ), but why spend it on some shity insurance.


Ronit Bhattacharjee said...

Hmm.. Look on the brighter side.. When you croak, someone will get lots of money..


hmmmm... yahhh
true !!!!