Friday, January 16, 2009

10 mins out in the cold !!! @ -23*C ........ partially naked !!

This is something I do every winter here in Syracuse. Whenever the temp goes below -20*C i go out at-least for 5 min in t-shirt and shorts. And within those 5 min even my balls freeze.

The winter cold is killing me !!!!

just went out !!!

Friday, January 02, 2009

If You Can’t Make It, Steal It

( click on the pic to enlarge it )

MicroSoft, MicroSoft .... !!!!! they just had to do it. I think they should change there name ..


Windows 7 the new trash bag in an Armani suit will come out some time soon. There were rumors that this would ( to some extnt ) look like Mac OS X. But i never believed them. I used to say why would MS put so much effort and money and bring out something really new and better just to tag themselves AGAIN as high tech/ high class thugs and or theives.

Look at the pic. The desktop looks exactly like Mac OS X ( the Dock is missing thought ... they will eventually put it there in later versions of Windows 7 .. i guess ).