Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Camera Lens Vs. Sky diving !!!!!!!!!!!!

Its summer now and i plan to go on long drives. And if i go places i will do photography, its kind of a hobby and besides i love it.
Last semester bought a cam Sony DSC H7 ( a hybrid cam or lets say it almost matches the lower end DSLRz). I was actually saving money for Canon Rebel XTi, but my patience gave up and had to buy this one. It works fine, though if i have went along with what my instincts said i would have ended up buying Canon S5 IS, which i now realize would have been a better choice. Though there is hardly any difference in them.
When i was done with all my save money it was now time to move to the next level. I started saving money for a sky dive. This has been my dream since i don't know when. I ended up saving around 200 $ for it.
I was about to plan a trip to the Long Island for the sky dive, i found out that Sony has two converter lenses for my DSC H7. Now how in the world can i resist trying those. I ended up buying those to lenses with money that i had saved for my " FREE FALL " adventure.

The lenses are awesome no doubt. I once had a thought flash of sending those two back and keep the money for sky dive, but my love for photography won over my " free fall " dream.

But i know i'll some how manage to get the Sky dive done this summer only after all, 10 sec in heaven... who would want to miss that.


Ronit Bhattacharjee said...

Unfortunately with the next 200$ u save, you will have to buy an iphone.. So your free fall dreams are still some time away..


hmmm no sly !!!.....
skydive is next.. for sure

Ronit Bhattacharjee said...

What?? How can you do this to steve?