Saturday, August 09, 2008

Gran Apertura : 2008 Olympics

Today I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics 2008. And as per me it was by far the most beautiful opening ceremonies ever. I loved the Athens Olympics ceremony and i had he feeling then ( and i guess till today ..b4 i watched the show ) that it was divine. And i guess it still holds its crown for the best Olympic ceremony ever.
But today's show on 08/08/08 stands along side Athens's.

The 2 things that swing the balance on China's side were the fireworks and the way they lit the Olympic torch.
The firework was awesome and absolutely spectacular. And as for the touch thing the concept of the flying man was class apart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you love it…You know, I am very proud of it.
Well, the firework is the most beautiful one I have ever seen in Beijing. To be honest, I do think firework in USA is far away from amazing. You know, the Chinese designer put electric chip in the emitter, so it can control when each unit scatter. That is why you can see the spark in sky for several seconds, and that is why the ring pattern was showing, and that is also why there were 29 footprints along the central-axial road to the Bird’s nest.
In regard to the flying man, it is from a fable in Dunhuang(Gansu province), and the original image has some connection with Buddhism.
Today, a friend told me another wonderful work that directed by Zhang Yimou in Lijing(in Yunnan province), and she said she was excited to cry when she was in front of it. She didn’t wanna cry but she couldn’t help to cry. I am trying to find this video if I could.