Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Remember Remember the "5th" of November !!!

Yes !!!! Remember it ... not because it Obama became the president of US ( well if you want you can mark it that way ) but because the 5th of November is the day when coincidentally one man or few people try to change something, SOMETHING that large enough to affect the lives of not hundreds but millions of people.

Two events mark the "5th" of November as a " the day of Changes ". One event is of course the election of Obama as the president of USA. The first African American to get the highest office in USA. ( just in case you are wondering .... " whats the big deal "? ... the ans. It is a big deal ... for a person who is not tagged as "white" to become the most poweful man in USA .... is a "biggg deal". )

This is " THE change ". !!!!

The second event dates back to 1605, in the era of King James 1 of England. It was on this day
"the 5th of November" a man named Guy Fawkes decided to blow up the HOUSE OF LORDS and end the touturous era of King James 1. But he was unsucessful. !!!

Though his attempt... did create a revolt against King James 1. ( again the "chnage" )


Adrenaline Junkie...Pranav said...

so u'r officialy a firangi now...nice to see u'r concerned about ummrikka and inglaand...


dude !!!
i'll never be firnagi !!!!
and ... and red ants up ur thing for saying that !!!! x-(

i was an indian , i am an indian ... will die as an indian ....
so hush up !!!1 :P

a post on umrica or u doesnt make me a firangi !!!

Ronit Bhattacharjee said...

I don't care if America gets nuked and bush rots in hell. I don't even care if Obama rots in hell. I don't like america much.. Fuck 'em all

Adrenaline Junkie...Pranav said...

yah..fuck em all...